To get good sales copy, you need a professional copywriter. Here’s a list of top copywriters and resources you can use. If you’re a do-it-yourself type, get the books listed near the bottom of this page and make the effort to learn how to write direct response copy. All things being equal, stick with the professionals.
This list is in no particular order.
1. Michel Fortin
2. John Carlton
3. Harlan Kilstein
4. Dan Kennedy
5. Karl Barndt
6. Allen Forrest Smith
7. Bob Bly
8. Jay White
9. David Garfinkel
10. Mike Morgan
11. Vin Montello
12. Mike Humphreys
13. John Ritskowitz
14. Erik Mulder
15. Miguel Alvarez
16. Ken Strong
17. Eric Engel
18. Kyle Tully
19. Anthony Coyne
20. Clayton Makepeace
21. [#21 was removed due to performance issues – see comments below for additional resources].
22. Chris Haddad
23. Matt Marshall
24. Gary Bencivenga – Bencivenga has retired but subscribe to his free Bencivenga Bullets.
25. Gary Halbert – Halbert passed away earlier this year (probably selling family coat of arms and history to both God and the Devil) but his family is keeping a treasure trove of his letters online. Learn from them.
26. Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples (4th edition or earlier).
27. Ogilvy On Advertising
28. Collier Letter Book by Robert Collier
29. Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joseph Sugarman
30. How to Write a Good Advertisement by Victor Schwab
31. The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan Kennedy
Some names and resources were undoubtedly omitted.
Please help others by adding to this list when you make a comment.