Instead of supporting heavy-handed regulation as proposed by Google and other major online players, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission's staff came out against so-called "Net Neutrality." Here's a link …
Free And Accepted Masons – Why I Became a Master Mason
The Internet is filled with masonic conspiracy theories. If half were true, the world would be run by Freemasons.Unfortunately, that is not the case. A world governed by the principles of …
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Harry Potter 0Day – Harry Potter Book 7 Allegedly Stolen By Hacker Who Posts Spoilers
J.K. Rowling's publisher, Bloomsbury Books won't conbusiness or deny the validity of a post by a hacker named Gabriel who claims that he obtained a digital copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows …
Blogger Successfully Sued For Making Defamatory Posts
If your business is damaged by blog postings, here's something to consider. A college student set up a blog that attacked a journalist. The journalist successfully …
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Winning the Dan Kennedy No BS Marketing Contest
In Dan Kennedy's No BS Newsletter, his partner Bill Glazer hosted a "Find the Fatal Flaw" contest where entrants needed to correctly identify the fatal flaw in a magazine ad. Of the thousands of …
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Private Label Rights and the Law – Attorney Mike Young Audio Interview
Mike Ambrosio recently interviewed me for 45 minutes about how to protect yourself when buying, selling, and creating PLR content. If you don't know the source of what you've bought, chances are …
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