One of the most common mistakes made on a copywriting project is to be unclear as to who owns the copy.
Too often, the client believes it owns exclusive rights to the copy. On the flip side, the copywriter plans to recycle the copy for other clients.
Fortunately, there are multiple ways to resolve this issue by using clear and concise legal language within the contract between the parties.
Here are some possible scenarios…
1. The client owns the sales copy but pays the copywriter a premium (e.g., 3x the price) for exclusive rights.
2. The copywriter owns the copy but licenses it to the client for use. The copywriter can recycle the copy for other clients.
3. The client owns the copy but agrees to transfer ownership to the copywiter when the client ceases to use it.
4. The client owns the copy but licenses it back to the copywriter to repurpose for clients in noncompeting markets.
Of course, there are variations of these that can be implemented too.
Are you a copywriter? Do you need a new copywriting agreement to use for your business? Or to upgrade the contract you’re already using? Let’s talk. Schedule a phone consultation with Business Lawyer Mike Young.
“I’ve had sales copy reviewed by Internet Marketing Attorney Mike Young. I’ve been doing business with him for years. In fact, he does all my legal disclaimers and agreements, for my websites, some up-coming offers I’m launching, my paid newsletter, and everything in between.” – Ben Settle
“As a copywriter and entrepreneur, I usually do whatever I can to avoid attorneys. Fact is, the overwhelming majority of attorneys don’t have a clue what entrepreneurs want and need. Michael Young is the exception. He understands internet marketing and what internet marketers need. Recently, I contacted Mike to get some legal advice and his knowledge and preparation really impressed me. So if you need to contact a lawyer, and you need somebody who understands the unique legal challenges facing today’s internet marketer, I recommend you contact Mike Young.” – Matt Marshall