When you set up a new business venture, it’s common to focus on rapid growth without thinking about who owns the assets. This is particularly true when it comes to intellectual property (IP).

For example, you might form an limited liability company (LLC) or corporation but forget to transfer the company’s domain name registration to the business entity instead of owning it personally.
Or have employees and independent contractors doing creative work for you, such as software development or Web content creation, but don’t get in writing that the company owns these assets from those getting paid to do the work.
Who owns intellectual property is important to the long-term viability and value of your startup. Because it’s hard to get experienced investors, go public (IPO), or sell the company in a private acquisition if it’s unclear what the venture actually owns.
If you need help getting your IP ownership handled correctly for your company, it’s time to schedule a phone consultation with with Registered Patent Attorney Herbert Joe. Attorney Joe handles patents, copyrights, trademarks, and other startup intellectual property issues.