When you own a Texas gym, you’ll want to comply with applicable state and federal laws. And that includes the Texas Health Spa Act, state biometrics law, and laws covering commercial email so that you don’t illegally spam members.
But what about texting a member’s cell phone?
Many gym owners fail to get the member consent to receive text messages.
So, how do you fix this? There are two options.
1. The easiest way to get consent is to include specific legal language in the gym membership agreement that’s signed by each member. If you have a contract that’s missing this language, it’s easy for an experienced Texas business lawyer to update the contract to include it.
2. You can also get each member to sign a separate text messaging consent agreement. This is more cumbersome than including the consent in the membership contract. Yet it makes sense to use a separate consent form for members who have already signed membership agreements that don’t include the consent.
Need help getting this issue fixed? The first step is to set up a phone consultation with Business Lawyer Mike Young.