When you have employees or independent contractors working for your business, should they be able to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools to perform their tasks?
The answer to this question isn’t simple.
To the extent your answer is “yes,” you need to identify which AI apps are permissible and then determine the scope of what they can be used for. For example, if you have a worker create an ad for your company, will an AI tool be used to generate at least part of the advertisement? If so, what are the licensing terms for using the work generated by the AI? And what’s the risk the AI tool has infringed on someone else’s copyrighted material in order to produce the results?
Regardless of your decision on AI use, your policy should ideally be included in your employment and independent contractor agreements. And don’t forget to have the latter specifically address work performed by subcontractors.
Now if you need legal help solving this issue, book a phone consultation with Attorney Mike Young.