Whether you live in the State of Texas, another state, or even in a different country, Business & Technology Lawyer Mike Young can help you form a Texas limited liability company (LLC) or a Texas corporation for doing business on the Internet (and offline too).
Now, typically when setting up a Texas business entity for a client, Mike will prepare and file the legal paperwork with the Texas state government, provide you with the necessary documents for running your entity (e.g. member operating agreements, shareholder agreements, resolutions, intellectual property transfers, etc.), advise you on setting up bank accounts and tax elections, and recommend a registered agent for your company.
And, of course, Mike will be with you every step of the way to get your business up and running the right way.
How much will you invest when you form a Texas LLC or Texas corporation? That depends upon your unique needs. Mike will provide you with a flat-fee quote for professional legal services after you’ve had a telephone appointment with him to decide the best way to protect your business with a new Texas entity.
To get help from Mike, you’ll want to go set up a phone consultation with him.