Title: How to Form a Texas LLC (10-Minute Legal Guide Series)
Author: Mike Young, Esq.
Reason to Read:
As explained in the book, running your online business as a Texas limited liability company (LLC) has many advantages. This guide walks you through the steps to take to quickly get the benefits of a Texas LLC working for you. One of the 10-Minute Legal Guide series, you’ll be able to read the key parts of the book in about 10 minutes and come to a decision whether or not it makes sense for you to set up an LLC in Texas.
Key Quote:
“Your LLC operating agreement is a written contract between the LLC and its owners (members) that serves as a guide for how you will run your Texas limited liability company. Because it is a legally binding agreement that affects your rights, responsibilities, and potential liabilities, you’ll want to have the contract prepared by a qualified business lawyer who understands Texas limited liability companies.”