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Google Plus Privacy Policy: What You Should Know
Do you know your Google+ privacy rights?
Google Plus Privacy
Because I’m an Internet lawyer, I decided to test out the new Google Plus Privacy. You can click the link in the prior sentence to see my Google+ profile as an example.
After the company’s privacy fiasco with Buzz last year, the new Google+ goes out of its way to explain privacy rights.
Four Google Plus Privacy Policies
Actually, there are at least four Privacy Policies that cover Google Plus privacy…
Every one of these policies describes the type of information Google collects and how it is used by Google and others.
What You Should Know About Google Plus Privacy
My take is that Google+ is more user-friendly than Facebook, particularly the ability to sort your contacts by category into circles for communication purposes. Some of your information may be used by Google and its advertisers pursuant to the company’s privacy policies. It’s up to you to weigh the pros and cons. This means that if you’re trying to protect yourself online, be sure to understand Google Plus privacy policies before using Google+ (or other social media for that matter).
About Mike Young, Esq.
Mike Young has been practicing business and technology law since 1994 and is an angel investor in startups. He's been an entrepreneur since 1988. To get legal help from Attorney Young, click here now or call 214-546-4247 to schedule a phone consultation.