Your Internet marketing agreement sets the scope of both the strategy and tactics being used to promote your company online. Of course, you will want to have this agreement in writing signed by the parties involved as a binding contract to protect your interests.
What Should Your Internet Marketing Agreement Contain?
As your Internet lawyer can explain, the contents of your Internet marketing agreement will depend upon the type of work you’re having performed for your company.
Let’s say you retain a HubSpot certified marketer to perform inbound marketing for your business. This permission marketing will have significantly different content marketing for your products and services than outbound marketing (i.e. interruption marketing).
How Will Your Internet Marketing Agreement Define Success?
In addition to varied content, you will also use different metrics and milestones to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing done on your company’s behalf.
How will you define success and failure? Are you looking to build brand awareness, attract leads that you can convert to sales, or a combination of the two?
If you don’t define what you are looking for in your Internet marketing agreement, it can lead to misunderstanding as to whether the work has been performed.
Should You Use Someone Else’s Agreement As Your Own?
If you “borrow” someone’s Internet marketing agreement to use in your business, there’s a good chance you’re committing copyright infringement. Not a good idea.
If you’re using the marketing company’s agreement, remember that the terms favor the marketer (not your business), and that you can have your Internet attorney negotiate better terms on key points to protect your interests before you sign the contract.
Ideally, you’ll want to use your own Internet marketing agreement that’s been created by your Internet lawyer to handle the scope of the work you want done, define success as you envision it, and protect you legally in case things go wrong during performance.
To get a professional Internet marketing agreement or have your existing agreement reviewed for flaws, the first step is for you to set up a telephone consultation with Internet Lawyer Mike Young.