There’s an Australian author who just got the shock of his life when Amazon announced that all of his ebooks would be sold for $0.
Guess what type of commission you get paid when your book becomes a freebie? You don’t need an Internet attorney to tell you that’s a sure way to go to the poorhouse as an author.
The fine print in Amazon’s agreement with authors lets it changes prices almost at a whim. However, because of the potential outrage, the company is backtracking a bit by agreeing to pay the author only half the commission they used to pay him even though the books will still be given away as a loss-leader by Amazon.
This just reinforces the need for Internet entrepreneurs like you to use ebooks and special reports as lead gen devices and plan to monetize on the back end and through affiliate links within the books themselves.
And remember to read the fine print before doing any deal. Talk with your Internet attorney if you have any questions rather than taking a leap of good faith and hope it all works out in your favor as an ebook author.
To your online success!
-Mike the Internet attorney