What is the difference between internet attorneys and your business attorneys?
While your typical internet attorney usually has a good grasp of business law, your typical business attorney does not usually have a grasp of internet law. For example, if you asked a general business attorney for advice relating to general internet business terms, they’d probably tell you that they will look into it and get back to you, while an internet attorney could answer the question there on the spot. Effectively, internet and business attorneys are both attorneys qualified to give legal advice but internet attorneys are usually much more qualified to give advice in their area of expertise, internet law, than a general business attorney. Think of it this way, all trees are plants but not all plants are trees.
How will you benefit from consulting internet attorneys?
When your business has an internet law issue come up you could ask your general business attorney to look into it and get back to you, or you could save yourself time and money and consult an internet attorney.
After all, why pay your business attorney to educate himself about internet law on your dime and prolong the amount of time it takes to resolve your internet law issue when you could contact an experienced internet attorney and get your problem cleared up much more quickly? An experienced internet attorney likely has experience with your exact issue or one very similar to it and can use that experience and their legal knowledge to quickly achieve a positive resolution to your businesses’ internet law issue.
Doesn’t it make more sense to save your general business attorney for your general business work and consult an experienced internet attorney when you have internet law issues come up? When choosing between a fresh rookie whose just learned but never practiced internet law and an experienced internet law MVP, it just makes good sense to go with the MVP.
How do you go about getting internet attorneys’ help?
An important consideration in finding and selecting internet attorneys is experience in the field. Internet attorney Mike Young has been working on internet legal matters and providing expert legal advice to business owners since the mid-nineties and he has a wealth of experience in the field of internet law. For help with your website protection needs, set up a telephone appointment with Internet Lawyer Young right now.