According to CBS 2’s Mike Parker, the FBI has narrowed the search for The Fappening celebrity nude photos hacker down to Chicago’s South Side.
Naked celebrities in the 2014 leaks from Apple’s iCloud storage reportedly included Kate Upton, Jennifer Lawrence, and an underage American Olympic gymnast.
If true, this means that the hacker(s) could possibly face criminal charges for child pornography even if the gymnast took the pictures as “selfies.” That’s in addition to hacking charges and any celebrity civil lawsuits for damages.
Regardless, there are two lessons to learn from this “Celebgate.”
First, if you take digital photos or videos, you should assume they will be put on the Internet and remain there forever. This is particularly true of nudity in general and celebrities in particular. It isn’t fair but it is the way things are these days.
Second, if you’re hacking for fame, chances are the FBI or some other law enforcement agency will one day take you down. Are the 15 minutes of publicity worth it? Probably not.
06/10/2015 update – M. Alex Johnson provides more info at CNBC.com in “Almost 600 Accounts Breached in ‘Celebgate’ Nude Photo Hack, FBI Says.”
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