Whether you’re an app developer or the client who has retained one, it’s important to have your software development agreement provide practical dispute resolution that doesn’t cost a fortune.
Ideally, your app development contract will let the parties first try to informally resolve problems without getting lawyers involved.
And if you can’t agree between yourselves, your contract should have a simple way to have an independent mediator help you settle the matter quickly and with minimal expense. With developers and clients often located in different states or countries from each other, using online mediation is a common solution.
But what if mediation doesn’t work?
It’s probably still speedier and more cost-effective to have binding arbitration than to head to court in a lawsuit.
Of course, the costs involved will depend upon where arbitration is held, the law and arbitration rules applied, whether you’re using lawyers, and other factors.
Naturally, the place to handle these issues is on the front end by having it all spelled out in a professional software development agreement. The agreement can prevent many problems from arising in the first place by addressing them before the parties sign it.
If you need a software development agreement prepared or an existing one reviewed, it’s probably time to set up a phone consultation with Software Lawyer Mike Young.