In Seattle, I had hoped to find that Starbucks Pike Place, the first Starbucks, would be a cool place to visit and use a laptop to work with Wi-Fi while getting a caffeine fix. You can find the location at the Pike Place Market.
Yes, the Pike Place Starbucks is a nice place to visit. As you can see from the photos, there are some great views and the place is packed.

There are, however, other coffee shops just a few blocks away where you can do your work. And if you want a nice seafood lunch, I recommend stopping by the nearby Seatown Snack Bar (just north of the Pike Place Market). Good food and great service by friendly people.
During the next several days of work/travel, I’ll take breaks from Internet attorney stuff to post more info on places you and other website entrepreneurs might find interesting to visit.
To your online success!
-Mike the Internet attorney