Overwhelmed by e-newsletters, tweets, rss feeds, status updates and instant messaging?
What?!!! You can’t be serious.
Absolutely. There’s no Internet law preventing you from doing it (despite what the hidden continuity Internet marketing guys say).
Rank every e-newsletter, blog rss feed, social media/social networking subscription you’ve got one-by-one…then trash 90% of them.
Let’s start with your e-newsletter subscriptions. Rank them in order of importance to your life (what you actually read as opposed to should read). If you’ve got 20 subscriptions, unsubscribe from newsletters ranked #3 through #20 (that’s 9/10 i.e. 90%).
Move to Twitter. Rank those you’re following and then unfollow 90%.
RSS Feeds – rank and unsubscribe.
Facebook – rank and block/defriend.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Then put a tickler in your calendar to remind you every 30 days to repeat this exercise.
The sun will rise tomorrow, you’ll feel less overwhelmed by “should do” and information overload.
Who knows? Maybe in a month you’ll be ready to go unwired 1 or 2 days per week.
Yes, there is a life outside of cyberspace. Try it.