If you have added new content to your website this year (e.g. articles, blog posts, photos, audios, or videos), be sure to update your website copyright notice to reflect the current year.
For example, this law firm’s website copyright notice in the footer reads
“Copyright © 2007-2021 Law Office of Michael E. Young PLLC – All rights reserved.”
Now, note that the copyright notice covers multiple years.
A common mistake is to simply replace last year with this year (e.g. replacing 2020 with 2021) instead of making the notice cumulative to cover all the years copyrighted content has been added to your site.
For example, a site that has been adding content since 2015 should accurately reflect 2015 to 2021 instead of just 2021 in the copyright notice.
Of course, talk with your Internet attorney if you have any specific questions about protecting your site’s intellectual property.
And, of course, to speak with Internet Lawyer Mike Young about your website copyright notice or other Internet business-related legal issues, you’ll want to go set up a phone consultation with him.