If you think the government can't keep your information private, just wait until next year when Google starts getting contracts with federal government agencies for its cloud computing services. It is …
Employee Handbooks: Does Your Internet Business Need One?
Large corporations with human resources departments just love to have employee handbooks. A company handbook typically states the respective rights and responsibilities of the company and its …
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Internet Law: What Type of Lawyer Should Represent Your Online Business?
When you're marketing your goods and services online, there are some inherent legal risks against which you'll want to take some steps to reduce the chance you'll get sued or the government will come …
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Patriot Day: How Politicians Hijacked A Terrorist Act
In December 2001, Congress by joint resolution designated each September 11th as Patriot Day in honor of those killed by terrorists on 09/11/01. This recognition involved an event that was not a …
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Confidentiality Agreements: How To Use Them In Your Internet Business
When you're dealing with trade secrets and other sensitive Internet business information, you're going to want your employees and independent contractors to sign binding confidentiality agreements. …
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Website Attorney: London Internet Scams Falling Down
Just got this stupid e-mail from an Internet spammer who apparently didn't read my August newsletter warning about the scam (or has a sick sense of humor and sent the e-mail because of the article). …
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