Even an Internet attorney can get summoned for jury duty. This morning should be fun because I will get questioned like any other potential juror.However, it is unlikely I will get picked (never …
Internet Attorney Imposter
As an Internet attorney, I usually find imitation to a be a sincere form of flattery...but not in this case. We've gone from imitation to a bad impersonation.Let me explain.One of my …
Website Attorney: The sharpest pencil in the box
Seems these days nearly everyone online is trying their hand at “hot” markets of dating, biz opp and health.Of course, crowded markets lead to false and deceptive claims because desperate Internet …
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Website Attorney: The deadly mistake of collecting scalps
There’s a networking “guru” who hangs out with the Internet marketing crowd and name drops all of the celebrities and other gurus he knows.If you see him in action, he’s mastered the superficial …
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Internet Lawyer: Does U.S. Internet law apply overseas?
There’s a myth out there that one can do whatever you please online and get away with it if your business is not based in the United States.Although there are international con artists who set up …
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Web Lawyer: The Situational Expert Mistake
There's an Internet marketing guru who sold a product for driving traffic to your website using paid advertising. To promote this product, he trashed free organic traffic from search engine …
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