If you co-own a business but things aren’t working out with your business partner, that usually means one of you has to go if the company is going to survive. In other words, either you or the …
Independent Contractor or Disguised Employee?
Just because the contract you have workers sign is titled "Independent Contractor Agreement" doesn't mean they're actually contractors. Both federal and state governments can decide you have employees …
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Should Your Online Business Use Individual Independent Contractors?
When you need work done for your online business but don't want to hire an employee, what do you do?It depends upon the type of work you want done. For example, if you need an administrative …
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Software Development: Should You License Your Code?
When you’re working on software development projects for your clients, how do you handle intellectual property? This issue is particularly important if you plan to recycle code on future projects for …
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Does An Act Of God Void A Texas Gym Membership Agreement?
If you own a Texas gym or martial arts studio, chances are a customer has tried to weasel out of their Texas gym membership agreement by claiming an Act of God has occurred.For example, if you've …
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How Narrow Should Your Software License Scope Be?
One of the most common areas of disagreement in software development (customer and developer) and app sales (app owner and purchaser) is the software license scope.Now if you’re granting the …
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