When you create professional sales copy for a living, you know that words are important. And from a legal standpoint, a copywriter should use a written copywriting agreement with clients.
A written contract protects you from legal risks in addition to eliminating confusion about the scope of services you offer.
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For example, some copywriting clients mistakenly believe that copywriting includes graphics design and other work beyond sales copy.
Factors to consider for your copywriting agreement
When creating the written copywriting contract template you will use for your professional writing services, it’s important to consider these issues…
1. Who owns what legal rights to the sales copy? Can you recycle/repurpose the work for another client?
2. What services are included as part of the copywriting gig?
3. Equally important, what services are excluded from the project?
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4. Where and when will the copywriting be done?
5. How and when will you get paid?
6. How many revisions (if any) are included in the price of your copywriting services?
7. If a client is unhappy with your work, how and where will you resolve the issue?
Is there a generic copywriting agreement form you can use?
It’s important to note that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all business contract floating out there in cyberspace that meets your unique needs as a copywriter and provides you with the legal protection you want.
Even if you find one that appears to cover many of the issues, unless you have the legal experience to spot what’s missing, it can expose you to unnecessary legal risks.
And, of course, just as you wouldn’t “borrow” someone else’s work and pass it off as your sales copy, it’s risky (for copyright infringement and other reasons) to take someone else’s copywriting agreement and use it in your business.
Let’s face it…A professional copywriting agreement that helps you get paid by clients and avoid lawsuits is a wise investment in your business.
Related Article: Breach Of Contract – 5 Steps To Avoiding A Costly Lawsuit
Now, naturally this means the safe course of action is to get a copywriting contract template drafted by a qualified business lawyer that meets your individual needs.
And if your copywriting services include Web copy, you’ll want to have an experienced business contracts lawyer prepare the copywriting agreement you’re going to use with clients.