When you own a membership website, a written membership site contract is essential to protecting what you own. And reducing the chance you’ll get sued by an unhappy member.
This is true whether membership is free, paid for up front, or on a subscription basis.
One of the biggest risks is a member mistakenly believing that access to member content gives the member unlimited rights to download and redistribute the content to friends or the public in general. And if you haven’t address this issue, it can create a legal nightmare.
In short, you’ll want your website membership agreement’s licensing provisions to make it clear what can and can’t be down with your content (e.g. videos, audios, text, etc.).
And there’s the problem that arises from members who don’t know what their rights and responsibilities after membership terminates (by you or the member). For example, will the terminated member get a partial refund? If so, how is that calculated?
How do you integrate a membership site agreement into the process? Typically, it’s handled as part of signup/checkout.
Like other website legal documents (e.g., privacy policy), an experienced website lawyer can help you get the right language in place to protect your online membership business.
If you need help with your membership agreement, set up a phone consultation with Internet Business Lawyer Mike Young today.