Despite claims, opt-out cookies will not substantively protect you from behavioral targeted advertising because tracking your website viewing habits is simply to profitable for Internet advertisers. …
Facebook Privacy: Privacy Lawsuit Accuses Facebook of Data Collection Misconduct
Some Facebook users have filed suit in a California state court claiming that Facebook violates state privacy laws. Since at least 2005, California has been on the cutting edge for protecting consumer …
Internet Marketer: How Will You Exit Your Business?
Ask the typical Internet entrepreneur when he plans to leave his company and you’ll get a blank stare, “I don’t know,” or a joke about leaving in a pine box. That’s a sure sign of working inside a …
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Web Lawyer: DMCA Abuse – How to Nuke False Copyright Infringement Claims
My take as a Web lawyer is that the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) (PDF summary) is abused to suppress free speech and prevent competition in the Internet marketplace. If someone has filed a …
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E-books: Are they too expensive?
Over at CNET News, cheapskate Rick Broida rants Why does this e-book cost $14?!Please don't tell Rick about He'll have a stroke when he sees ebooks that sell for $47 bucks and more. …
Product Pricing: Your Customers Can Afford You
Price is rarely a disqualifier for your products and services if people want what you have. Notice that I said “want”…not “need.”Let me give you an example. According to a recent study, I live and …
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