Hugh Jackman's X-Men Origins: Wolverine has leaked out onto the Web. Downloads via P2P are estimated to already be in the hundreds of thousands. The Hollywood blockbuster release model is becoming …
Google Privacy Policy Change and Interest Based Advertising
Google wants its AdSense partners to update their privacy policies to accommodate interest-based advertising. How does this advertising work? Google uses its DoubleClick DART cookie to track personal …
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Negotiate a Better Deal
If your economic circumstances have changed because of the recession, don't breach your contracts (joint venture agreements, leases, car loans, mortgages, etc.). You can almost always negotiate a …
Spam Gypsies: Internet Marketers Without A Valid Address
In a mobile society, some online marketers act like transients, moving from place to place at the drop of a hat.For some, it is a matter of staying one step ahead of law enforcement or client …
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Anthony Robbins: Is he right about the recession?
Motivational speaker Anthony Robbins* spoke last week for about two hours to a group of speakers and Internet marketers (I represent the group as legal counsel) about the state of the economy. His …
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Andrew Bourland: Death of an Internet Marketer
Andrew Bourland (1955-2009), client and friend, has traveled to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns. In Internet marketing, Andy left his mark - from ClickZ to ClickBank …
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