Will you get arrested or sued because of your business emails?
Internet Lawyer Mike Young shows you how to protect yourself from criminal prosecution and expensive lawsuits when email marketing products or services. In this Quick Legal Guide, he demystifies email marketing rules in Plain English.
In Email Marketing – How To Protect Your Business When You Sell By Email, Internet Lawyer Mike Young explains easy steps you will want to take to protect yourself when you market products or services via emails.
You’ll discover…
- What is spam email (the answer may surprise you)
- 5 important spam and privacy laws every marketer should know about when sending emails to recipients in the United States, Canada, and the European Union
- 7 email marketing tactics to reduce the risk you’ll get sued or arrested
- How to promote a product or service by email as an affiliate without putting a legal target on your back (includes sample language you can use)
- Why making the wrong claims in your emails can destroy your business — and how to make claims the right way to prevent trouble
- 9 deceptive email marketing practices you should avoid…unless you like spending time in court or dealing with government investigators
- How to protect your emails with copyrights plus a legal way to borrow content from others and use it in your emails
- 3 essential parts an email signature designed to limit your personal liability
Plus, there’s a Quick Start Checklist. So you’ll know what to do right away to fix your direct marketing emails.
And in the Resources section, you’ll find valuable email marketing resources to help you.
Here’s what readers are saying…
“I was in hi-tech for over twenty-five years. I first started using email for sales and marketing in the ’90s. In those days if I had someone’s business card, I would not think twice about phoning or dropping them an email. I often did email blasts to partner’s email lists and purchased lists from tech magazines. So much has changed since then.
Now, it is very easy to get tripped up by all the rules and regulations that apply to doing emails in sales and marketing. The problem is that these mistakes can be costly to you and your business. Mike’s book “Email Marketing How To Protect Your Business When Selling By Email” does an excellent job of going over the potential pitfalls when doing business emails. The checklist summary on page 37 is a must read. While I consider myself knowledgeable about today’s email rules, I picked up some key points in reading the book. One that I often forget is to put a copyright on my emails. On a couple of occasions, I have had sales emails copied by competitors. Another point is to use the right email signature that includes the business entity.
If you use emails in your sales and marketing, I highly recommend you get a copy of Mike’s book and read it carefully.”
John Deck, President*
Direct Market Results
* Reader of a complimentary advance review copy prior to publication