Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, et al. still wage their "net neutrality" campaigns. Level the playing field with equal access to prevent multi-tiered …
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Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, et al. still wage their "net neutrality" campaigns. Level the playing field with equal access to prevent multi-tiered …
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The minimum wage legislation was a done deal but had minimal impact for two reasons: (1) many states increased their minimum wages effective January 1st; and (2) a …
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Like other businesses, Internet marketers get into Federal Trade Commission (FTC) trouble when their payment terms aren't idiot-proof. When in doubt, assume your consumer has a fourth grade …
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A type of endorsement or testimonial that can land your Internet business into hot water with the Federal Trade Commission is known as buzz marketing.Trying to create a buzz marketing online …
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Few things you can do raise red flags with the FTC like (a) unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent advertising and (b) predatory payment practices.Unfair, Deceptive or Fraudulent AdvertisingThis …
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In addition to the federal consumer protection laws enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), you have to be concerned with similar laws in each state where you do business. Talk with your …
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