Please read the following website disclaimers and disclosures. The site’s Terms of Use are incorporated herein by reference as if set forth at length.
General Information Only
This Internet attorney website (including the blog) is designed for general information only. The data contained in the website does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Internet law firm’s clients.
Attorney-Client Relationships
The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. The use of the Internet for communications with this law firm will not establish an attorney-client relationship and messages containing confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent.
No attorney-client relationship will exist unless and until both client and an Internet attorney at this law firm have signed an agreement for professional services after appropriate interviews and conflict checks. We will not knowingly agree to represent a prospective client if that prospect’s interests conflict with those of an existing business client.
PayPal-processed payments are not deposited immediately in the business’s IOLTA trust account. However, fee advances paid by check or electronic funds transfer (ACH or bank wire) are deposited in the law firm’s IOLTA trust account upon receipt.
Jurisdiction & Ethics
Our Internet law firm is located in a suburb of Dallas, Texas and complies with all ethical rules of the State Bar of Texas. Some states require the wording “This is an advertisement” or similar words or information.
Get Professional Legal Help
Readers of this website should consult with their own Internet lawyer prior to relying on any information on this Internet law firm’s website.
Changes to Website Disclaimers
These website disclaimers and disclosures were last updated on July 20, 2017.