Per his post today, Perry Belcher: Turning the Page (see update below), Belcher has quit Internet marketing training. There were a variety of reasons why this happened. Some of them are listed in …
American Police Force: Internet Scam?
What in Hades is going on in Montana? In April 2009, Two Rivers Authority and the Hardin City Council started looking into housing enemy combatants currently detained in Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo), Cuba. …
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Independent Contractor Agreements: Should You Use Them In Your Internet Business?
Let's make one thing clear... Never Use Independent Contractor Agreements to Hide Employees Independent contractor agreements should not be used in your Internet business to disguise an …
Seth Godin Jumps the Shark
From permission marketing fame to cyber greenmail shame, Seth Godin has finally jumped the shark. Spinning it as SEO reputation management is a kind way of describing this scam. What Godin has done is …
Salty Droid: Internet Marketer, Lawyer, Menace, or Maven?
Who is Salty Droid?Before answering that question, let's address the conspiracy theories.Q: Am I really Salty Droid?A: No.Q: Is "Salty Droid" a pseudonym for Ben Mack?A: Although …
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Website Attorney: Group Think – Why Some Gurus Break Internet Laws
If you want to know why some Internet info product marketers break the law and think they can get away with it, take a look at the Eight Symptoms of Group Think. As a Website attorney, believe these …
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